Wednesday, November 18, 2015



When Jason Kingsley and Mitchell Levitz were growing up with Down Syndrome, they noted that their valued participation within the community was really a challenge of recognition posed to those who seek to exclude them.  This ultimately falls heavily on the shoulders of people with disabilities.

People with disabilities can learn and gain a full, rich lives.  Kingsley states the challenge is to take away negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities , get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities.  As Kingsley thinks heavily about the above quote; "How do we erase those negative attitudes",  in light of the fact that people with disabilities are judging us.

Isaac who attended the Shoshone School was considered by clinical judgment as low- functioning, with no speech intelligent to teachers, was awkward with severe dilemmas with fine motor skills and scored poorly on developmental instruments.

At 52 months, Isaac tested to a level appropriate to a toddlers level of cognitive functioning.  However, Shayne the teacher, did not see Isaac as defective.  Shayne was a sympathetic teacher because she admits that none of her students go to school to be labeled.  She also indicates that every body works together, play together and be together.  And, rightly, she says that's what learning is.

Shayne built a community with acceptance for all and whatever all kids were participating in.  Shayne did a lot for all her students especially, in finding a job for Anne in a video rental store.

Colleen Madison agreed with Shayne that no child was inherently an intellectual burden to a classroom.  There is an individual ability in every child.  Down Syndrome or not.

Christopher believes that educating children together makes the representation of Down Syndrome from burden toward citizenship.  To conclude, when the Pope visited the United States, I was surprised to see a Down Syndrome man read an Epistle at Mass without a single mistake.

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